“Sir, sir.“, I hear a faint voice calling.
“3 for 1 dollar, 3 for 1 dollar.” A sweet girl was selling her items in a small basket she was carrying. Trinkets and what-nots were inside.
She was about five years old but her frame seemed as if she were three.
I turned around, trying to shrug her away as I didn’t want to buy any of her goods despite the relatively cheap price.
After a long day of walking, I was heading for the loo to take a leak when this kid wouldn’t budge. She kept insisting that I should buy some bracelets as souvenirs; hoping I would give in any time soon. Only when I had to hurry my pace did she also attempt to walk faster; giving me a better deal for her merchandise “Ok, 4 for 1 dollar, 4 for 1 dollar.”
Khmer kids selling merchandise
Unfortunately, I still didn’t want to buy anything. Even after I got back from the bathroom, she still kept pursuing her items. I fell into a game of patintero (gatekeeper and trespasser), looking for a way to avoid her.
After realizing that I was too stubborn, she followed other tourists passing by. Going back to her old spiel, she was able to sell a few items from those foreigners.