I won two day tour passes to Sumilon island!

Two tickets to be exact! I won two day tour passes to Sumilon Island! To think that I only joined late that I didn't even know that I could still make it at the event. Here's my blog entry about it. Soloflighted's trip to Sumilon Island Kai was actually giving me some hints on plurk … Read more

Cebu Trip to Sumilon Island

August 01, 2009 Sumilon Island, finally! I got free passes for a Day Tour at Sumilon Bluewater Island Resort! Last Saturday, I had the privilege of joining a group of fellow bloggers in attending an event that was initiated by Ruben of Pinoyworld. We simply had to talk about our experience in Maribago Bluewater Cebu … Read more

going to Sumilon with other bloggers

After creating the entry about Maribago Blue Waters Resort in this blog, I got lucky to be picked as one of those who’ll participate in the Sumilong Island Tour for bloggers. It’s been raining real hard and I actually have a flu but I’ll be joining later on. It’ll only be for a day anyway, … Read more