
My aunt and uncle visited Cebu to buy a vehicle. My mom and pop were the ones who toured them around. We ate at Casa Verde and it was another opportunity to catch up on what's happening with my extended family.

Sometimes I feel insecure that I haven't achieved much even if they're not pressuring me too. Anyway, uncle told me that my brother will be the one who'll drive the vehicle back to Davao come Sunday. They told me I could join him. I'm thinking twice.

I want to go cause it'll be another opportunity for me to explore the other part of the country where I once grew. Riding the boat on the ship to Cagayan de Oro for 12 hours and road tripping from Cagayan De Oro to Davao for 6 hours would be such an adventure. But then again, when I get there, I'll only stay for a day or two and there are a number of things I could do in Davao; not to mention visiting relatives in a minimum span of time.  It's because I'll be working again by Tuesday night; and if I expect to be back, I'd have to swipe my plastic so I can book the earliest scheduled flight back to Cebu.

It's a bit hard cause I haven't filed for leave and I'd have to make up a not so good of an excuse. However, even if I'd be able to, it'll be hard for me to survive the workload I'll be getting because we have to reach the quota needed on the number of evaluations I have to finish by the end of the fiscal month.

I'm still thinking again.

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Please don't forget to confirm your subscription by checking your Inbox. is a travel blog by Edcel Suyo. He enjoys performing headstands and crazy stunts during his trips in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Now based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and working to earn a living, he takes time to enjoy the city and travel during weekends.
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2 thoughts on “relatives”

  1. Dont think. Just come.

    Weeeeee!!! Kalingaw. Ali Ed. You should see Davao again. It will be an adventure. Beach ta. Hehehehe.

  2. Nix: haha, that’s the problem. If I come over, then I’d be too pooped to just go around. And I don’t think I can go around just because we’re supposed to just work all the time.


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