soloflighted is up

I’m relieved that this site has been up already! After almost 24 hours, this site is up and running again. Phew. Makes me wonder though, when have I been so attached to this site? Darn. Does my blog own me then now? Maybe because the past few days I’ve been active in the blogging community, visiting and dropping entrecard points.

Anyway, I still have a number of entries to post that I can’t seem to guess which one I would talk about first. Sheesh, I’m really a blog freak.

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Please don't forget to confirm your subscription by checking your Inbox. is a travel blog by Edcel Suyo. He enjoys performing headstands and crazy stunts during his trips in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Now based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and working to earn a living, he takes time to enjoy the city and travel during weekends.
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