Hong Kong Trip: Victoria Peak

September 06, 2010
Hong Kong Trip Day 5: Victoria Peak

Part two of our Day 5 in Hong Kong, we went to Victoria Peak and I wasn’t really sure what’s there as we just relied on Cindy to tell us that it’s a great tourist attraction especially at night. Boy was I foolish to just shrug this destination.

view from the Victoria Peak

After our Ocean Park adventure, we proceeded to Admiralty and took the 12A bus to Victoria Peak. Cindy told me that we needed to get down after one stop alone. However, we didn’t get to because we were so preoccupied with the scenes outside our bus window — so many buildings and pubs and establishments around. We stepped down after the next stop and we were figuring out how we could go back to the previous station in order to start over.

bus and at the stop for the peak Tram

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on Asiatown IT Park, BPOs and work

This is a repost from another blog just because I feel like posting it again. Hehe. ———————— Random shot at Jollibee, IT Park. It’s nice cause more and more establishments here in the Asiatown IT Park in Lahug are offering wifi connections. I just wish it would be free rather than having to purchase a … Read more

Manila: UP Science Park

As you might not already know, I went to Manila for another business trip. I helped out another site as POC. It 's a good experience since I wanted to prove my worth. It's a bit daunting at times but I know I should look at the brighter side, I get to travel! It's already … Read more