Terribly Busy

Yes, I am busy, busy, busy. There are so many things that are happening right now and I’m having difficulty with my priorities. I’ll be moving again to another place; a bigger apartment with my brothers — it will be cheaper that way but I’m preparing myself for more expenses. Work, as usual, is filling … Read more

Bagongbanua in Bohol

I’ve been able to island hop in Mactan, Cebu a number of times and whenever colleagues would ask me what’s a great island to stop over, I would always recommend them to drop by Bagongbanua, which is a sandbar; a small patch of sand that is already part of Bohol. It’s about an hour’s time … Read more

Adventure Cafe: The First Resto Adventure Cafe in the Philippines

and it’s in Cebu, baby! Like what I stated in a previous post, I was invited by my colleague, Doi, to grace the soft opening of Adventure Cafe which is a new Cebu attraction with a lot of activities created for the family, friends, colleagues and well, adventurers in general. Here are just some of … Read more