What to Do with One Month in South-East Asia

If you’ve only got one month to travel, the best locations to spend your time are the countries in South-East Asia. It’s one of the cheapest places in the world, with very inexpensive local airfares available in low-cost carriers like Air Asia. Although cross-border buses are cheaper, when you’re pressed with time, buying a planet … Read more

Backpacking Southeast Asia for 9 Months

I resigned from my corporate job last January 2012 because I wanted to go on a long-term travel adventure. I was able to accomplish it by backpacking for nine months in seven countries in Southeast Asia. Vietnam-Cambodia-Thailand-Indonesia-Singapore-Malaysia-Philippines I haven’t exhausted all the places in Southeast Asia which I could’ve done simply by hopping on a … Read more

Backpacking Update: Singapore and Bangkok

Pardon the lack of updates, I know I haven’t been blogging a lot lately. I’ve been pretty much busy with mostly my online job. My funds have been depleting and I need to stay in one place in order to gain more work hours to earn more money and keep this backpacking journey going.

I also got exhausted trying to keep updating this site since I have other blogs that also need attention. But all is still well and I’m still alive. 🙂

Singapore sidewalk

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Podcast Interview with Flip of FlipNomad.com

After only a year of travel blogging, this guy was able to earn money through his website which is currently his primary source of income. He gave up a high-paying job just so he could travel and he’s been living in Southeast Asia for over 6 months now.

Episode 6 of my Podcast Interview

soloflighted sessions with flip

Flip of FlipNomad.com

An anonymous travel blogger of FlipNomad.com, I’m happy that Flip agreed to have this interview. I had a number of questions I wanted to clarify with his lifestyle as, more or less, it’s the same path I’m planning to pursue in the future.

Travel bloggers I’ve met all have a passion for travelling, but Flip somehow stood out and I was even caught off guard when he said he was willing to give up his blog in order to continue this passion.

Interview Location: Skype from Cebu, Philippines to Siem Reap, Cambodia

Ang Thong
Ang Thong, Thailand

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