
Got this from the Philippine Daily Inquirer’s Sunday Edition….
alright, alright, so what if i read joe d’ mango’s love letter???

“Be happy that you have loved her with all your heart. But don’t let
your life stop there. Sometimes, love means letting go when you want a
person to stay. Sometimes, love means asking for less when you begin
to expect too much. Sometimes, love means moving on even if there is
still a reason to stay. Sometimes, we just have to be thankful that we
have loved someone even if that person didn’t love us back, for it is
always better to have loved and failed than not to have experienced it
at all.”

p.7 Sunday Inquirer Magazine, Philippine Daily Inquirer, June 27, 2004.


last sunday, met with a friend (and her bf) and went strolling, heard
mass and took communion (which was my 2nd time since i was here in
cebu!)… call me an atheist if you will… we caught up on things…
and it was one of the happiest days since transferring from
dumaguete… i’m a loner here so don’t ask… it was reaally a
coincidence since she’s a kfc addict… and where she regularly visits
is also the place where i work…


told a friend about this blog… and fortunately she signed up for one
too!!! niX… planning to watch spidey this afternoon or friday, when
the crowd had already subsided…

posted Wednesday, 7 July 2004

A visitor made this comment,
joe the mango hehe, but bullseye.

comment added :: 7th July 2004, 17:06 GMT+08
A visitor made this comment,
haha, really. ako rin, loner na eversince ‘davao’. i guess my stay
there REAlLY changed me.

comment added :: 7th July 2004, 21:13 GMT+08
CNBGirl made this comment,
wow, joe d’mango! 😀

comment added :: 8th July 2004, 09:57 GMT+08
nicole made this comment,
hi ed tama si mr. d’mango lol sometimes i prefer to be alone mas
marami akong nagagawa
take care

comment added :: 9th July 2004, 07:40 GMT+08
A visitor made this comment,
Hahaha! you tracked me down!!! Hey Ed! HAven’t seen Spidey yet too.
But I’ve seen Kill Bill.:-D About politics, couldn’t care less too but
that was before Conrado de Quiros. The man changed me so now I’m
hooked.:-). I like the way he attacks the issues eh.

comment added :: 9th July 2004, 14:29 GMT+08

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