I feel bad when I’m not supposed to.
We received a message from HR about somebody needing a B+ blood type donor. The qualifications fit me and I went to the person who’s niece was affected. We went to the hospital and I could see the relatives already histerical because the blood platelet dropped down; since the child was already in comatose.
I was screened before I could get my blood transfused but I didn’t pass. Not because I was positive (sheesh), but because the vein in my left arm wasn’t big enough. I was even joking at the nurse on how to make it big but she told me that it doesn’t work that way. They will be using a machine to extract and pump blood back and forth and because my left arm’s vein wasn’t as visible as that of my right arm, I was left in dismay.
I told it to the person and they just thanked me for trying. But deep inside I felt bad. I know I shouldn’t because it’s not my fault. It’s just that the condition was already critical and I really wanted to do something good but I never was able to.
It’s sad that you feel helpless just because of a stupid vein. I should’ve asked for a second opinion just to be sure if the nurse’s judgment would coincide or not. But I guess I shouldn’t complain much; as if I’m a medical person.
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soloflightEd.com is a travel blog by Edcel Suyo. He enjoys performing headstands and crazy stunts during his trips in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Now based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and working to earn a living, he takes time to enjoy the city and travel during weekends.
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For questions, advertising, and other concerns, shoot an email to ed@soloflighted.com.
Awww…no reason to feel bad, Ed. At least your intentions were clear to the patient’s family. It’s very nice of you to offer help. That alone means a lot.
Btw, I got a little something for you on my blog. I hope it’ll make you smile at least.
Check it out here… http://faerydancing.blogspot.com/2008/08/lets-kick-some-ass.html
faeryrowans last blog post..Happy birthday, Yaku!
ey thanks for the award lourie! i’ll find some time so i can squeeze that in!!! 🙂