Wasn’t able to upload the Bench Live Your Dreams pictures today because of being busy attending a Baptism of my next-door housemate’s child. Baby Luke Dominic was christened today at the St. Therese’s church in Lahug and I’ve been appointed as one of the godparents. This is my second time to be one but had a seminar first which took about two hours.
Anyway, it’s been a long day but I was glad to be part of it. We went straight to Pizza Hut afterwards for lunch.
It’s just funny since we were the unconventional ninongs and ninangs there who made a big deal of taking pictures and posing for the camera. It showed how a crazy bunch we were compared to the other sponsors.
ninongs and ninangs at their best. haha.
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soloflightEd.com is a travel blog by Edcel Suyo. He enjoys performing headstands and crazy stunts during his trips in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Now based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and working to earn a living, he takes time to enjoy the city and travel during weekends.
For updates, Like his page on Facebook or Follow him on Twitter.
For questions, advertising, and other concerns, shoot an email to ed@soloflighted.com.