gone white

Still alive folks. It’s a time of reassessment. Just some things bothering me the past few days months. As you can see, I’m trying a new look. Not quite my color, but it’s better, at least people will think I’m not blogging, due to the ‘formal’ background. As I’ve checked twice, Blog-city will only be maintaining FREE accounts until the end of the year. Oh well, can’t keep something forever. Guess I’ll have to find myself another host, but like I update regularly anyway.

We had another team building; this time in Panglao. It reminded me of a batch field trip that I never got to join due financial constraints back. When I saw the pictures then, I almost drooled. But when I got to the sites that my schoolmates visited, it didn’t give me much pleasure; which made me realize the purpose of tourist spots. It’s mostly just a place where people can take pictures and then show off to others that they’ve gone to that location.

5-3-2-5-2-4-1-12 –> SLEEP INTERVALS. My body, though slowly deteriorating, has grown accustomed to taking 4 straight hours of sleep everyday; blood-shot eyes in between.

March is here, almost there ed. But then it hit me, I ‘m flunking. I accepted it already a few weeks even before I knew. It’s better than having to allot a large amount of wailing on the days after. I’m tired of school. *sigh* It’s because of the load.

But I’m supposedly enjoying the company with fellow classmates and afternoon drinking sessions. Ha, I don’t know why I would still have time for these.

Somehow, as time progresses, life and future are becoming more transparent in deflecting its importance. I’m supposed to graduate this year but look at me now. Yeah, I keep a regular job, despite not having a degree. But the sense of security that I can still stand ground is what I really want.

Ched: I’m going to turn 29 this year.
Me: Do you have any plans to go back to school?(she only finished one year of college)
Ched: Nope. I have Femy (her daughter) to take care of.
Me: God for you, you don’t have lot of options.
Ced: I know. ;p

Sometimes I feel that I don’t need to go on a vacation, but in a far greater sense, I do deserve this.

God is a concept
By which we measure
Our pain
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Don’t we at some point feel like lost puppies lost at sea?
(can’t think of a better caption)

NOTE: more photos later.

spoke (2)1. Shawty left… Saturday, 10 March 2007 12:26 am mehn, this blog-city thingy going capitalist is pissing me off. huhuhuhu what will happen to the neighborhood..

glad your having the breaks you deserve ed.. im going invisible in my rotations lately hehehe (hey sleep is a physiological need!)


2. ravissant left… Wednesday, 21 March 2007 12:55 am

nice to hear from you again, ed. oo nga a little complicated yung sa multiply, pero i like the fact that you can freely post up your pictures. what’s your multiply id para ma bisitahan ko? mine is wilnora.multiply .

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soloflightEd.com is a travel blog by Edcel Suyo. He enjoys performing headstands and crazy stunts during his trips in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Now based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and working to earn a living, he takes time to enjoy the city and travel during weekends.
For updates, Like his page on Facebook or Follow him on Twitter.
For questions, advertising, and other concerns, shoot an email to ed@soloflighted.com.

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