STK ta Bay

Went out at STK ta Bay! to have our wave lunch. Been working for the same company for two years already. 2 years! Still in the same company! I can say it’s quite a feat already. Anyway, these are the people who were with me during our training period. We were scattered to different teams by the time we went live on the production floor. Right now, some left, some stayed, others got promoted and we’re all in different paths already. But we’re still glad that we still exchange our Hello’s whenever we meet.


STK ta Bay
Sutukil is a derivation of 3 Cebuano term: Sugba Tuwa Kilaw, which are ways on how to prepare seafood. There’s actually a more popular place in Mactan, but since we didn’t have that much time, we just looked for a place near the town.

STK = SuTuKil = Sugba Tuwa/Tula Kilaw = Sinugba Tinola Kinilaw

The only problem with the place is the service. They have a hard time serving you for additional food because it gets quite busy because of the many customers waiting to be served as well. That’s why if you wish to order food, order your extra rice and drinks ahead; even asking for some tap water!

STK ta Bay


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inside, waiters are busy


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baked scallops, panga, grilled pork belly

Wave 9 (at least those who were there)

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4 thoughts on “STK ta Bay”

  1. after a harrowing ordeal with CHN (community health nursing) duty, our group used to head here for gastronomic refill. naa pa ba ni nga kan-anan?


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