Skim at Mahayahay Beach, Argao

This is a late post cause I ran out of words to talk about which is such a rare occasion. This will also be a quick one since I'm swamped with so many responsibilities that I have difficulty sleeping at the end of the day. ———————- Mahayahay Beach Argao, Cebu South Bus Terminal Fare – … Read more


Random picture just for the sake of having something to post. We bought these when we went back to Mahayahay beach in Argao to skim again. It was nice as we brought some watermelon to keep us hydrated when we were too thirsty or we wanted to eat something sweet and cold.  Altogether now, complete … Read more

got back from Argao

I’m all red again. I just got back from Argao (Mahayahay beach) and I’m really tired from all the skimming –> as if I know how to skim. Funny that I haven’t really posted my write up about the place. Does that mean I’m that busy? I’m in the process of sorting the photos out still. I … Read more

photobucket is up

 My photobucket account is already up and I’m glad that this happened. I found out that the monthly bandwidth limit is based on the month when I first registered my account and it was on the 26th of the month. So when I checked my blog after waking up from sleep, I realized the error … Read more

skimboarders in Argao

I'm a bit excited to posting the pictures last Monday in Argao, Cebu. So here are just some teasers, there are a number of photos I've taken and I should be able to sort them out. Mahayahay beach, Argao Cebu. Skim boarders         And here I am, trying to stay on board but … Read more

just got back from Argao

Been tired because of the trip; now I’m burned to a crisp because of the sun in Argao, Cebu. Finally, I’ve been to Mahayahay beach! I’ve been wanting to go to the place after I saw pictures of locals skimming in the place. I’ve always wanted to try watersport activities. Anyway, I’ll be discussing more … Read more

going to Argao

Going to Argao now. I need to get some sun with all the rain that’s been happening lately. At least off today at work so I’ll have more time to relax. Tomorrow will be another start of the week and I made sure I won’t get to work on a Monday. Anyway, we’re constraint on … Read more

field trip to the south

Late post: Had a field trip in our Hist15 class –> wow, field trip; so gradeschool.hehe Everything went fine actually. It didn’t rain so there wasn’t any problem with the weather. We were able to go to the planned places. I even got to mingle and talk to my classmates whom I just knew by … Read more