photobucket is up

 My photobucket account is already up and I’m glad that this happened. I found out that the monthly bandwidth limit is based on the month when I first registered my account and it was on the 26th of the month. So when I checked my blog after waking up from sleep, I realized the error message in my pictures are already gone. Now I can sleep soundly without having to worry about the number of visitors who might get disappointed because of these pictures not showing up.

Now, how I wish I could have more time to blog about Argao and the places we’ve been to there. I need to discuss the Riverstone castle, the St. Michael the Archangel church and of course, Mahayahay beach and skimming. I still haven’t finished all the entries and as usual, I’m swamped with work since it’s the new fiscal month and I’m still adjusting to the busyness of the schedule.

Anyway, at least I can do more stuff without having to worry as much anymore. I should always have funds in my PayPal account just in case anything acts up on me again so I’d be prepared.

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