My Bungy Jumping Experience at the Macau Tower

“Has anybody died from bungy jumping here?” – I had to bluntly ask the attendant at the lobby of the Macau Tower.
“No sir, if there had been an accident, all of our AJ Hackett locations would’ve closed down.” – I liked the frank response.

It’s been 10 days after I bungy jumped from the Macau Tower, but the incident is still fresh in my mind. All the way from Cebu to Hong Kong to Macau, I never imagined I could do this, well I did; but I didn’t think it would come too soon.

Check out my video of bungy jumping from the world’s highest bungy. I initially planned on editing it in order to save whatever dignity I had left but I changed my mind. What the heck, right?

September 04, 2010
Bungy Jumping from the Macau Tower

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Apprehensive to go to Hongkong

I will be going on a trip to Hongkong from September 1 to 8 – that’s next week. Just my luck that the hostage crisis took place last week. Because of the recent activities that happened, I’m now apprehensive to push through with the trip for fear of safety and discrimination.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still going through with the travel as this will be my first time to step foot on foreign ground. Like everyone, I am saddened by the result of the hostage negotiation that led to the death of 8 people.

I feel ashamed of myself knowing that we’ve caused this distress to other nationalities. What made me upset were the pictures that were shown of the incident and bystanders who even had the guts to have their shots taken as though the place were a tourist destination.

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flowers and the dead

after reading ‘the catcher in the rye’ sa national bookstore… one thing that struck me most is this: "Nobody wants to receive flowers when they’re already dead." of course, some would like to oppose…cosmetology or something. but what i mean is isn’t it better if people receive flowers when they can still see it? when … Read more