Reminiscing Casaroro Falls

Casaroro Falls in Dumaguete is one of the waterfalls in the Philippines that shut my mouth up. Not that I’ve been to a lot of falls already but there’s something mystic about the place. I guess it’s because it really takes a long hike to get to the body of water and when you finally reach the destination, you feel energized knowing that you have trekked a far distance.

In our case, we didn’t really hike from Dumaguete to Valencia; we took a shortcut and rode some motorcycles (habal-habal) due to time constraints. However, the stairs going down and up was enough to keep our legs sore for the next 2 days – You have to take 335 steps in order to get to the bottom and go up with the same number in order to get back to the starting point.

Casaroro Falls is actually located in Valencia in Negros Oriental and not in Dumaguete City’; which is a nearby town as well. I suggest that anyone who wants to stay in Dumaguete to drop by Casaroro and be amazed at this nature’s wonder.

Casaroro Falls in Dumaguete pictures

casaroro falls picture

Casaroro Falls in Valencia

casaroro falls dumaguete casaroro
Cool green

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falling at casaroro

Making fun of myself and I don’t know why. Must be something I ate lately. Here I am, falling at casaroro falls, coincidence? Probably.  Now Ed, look for other videos that show how much of a goofball you are.

Here I am in Dumaguete again

So it pushed through. I figured I better maximize the time I have outside work and school. It’s Christmas break and we also don’t have work on holidays so it’s a double-treat for me. I wanted to go out and explore or find some nature-tripping activity so I’m here again in Dumaguete. I’m in a … Read more

Dumaguete Boulevard

If ever you get to visit Dumaguete, you'd have to drop by their famous Rizal Boulevard and just feel the scene of people walking by. It's cheap and you don't have to spend much. A large chunk of growing up and adolescence was spent here during high school. I used to hang out (though not … Read more

Gabby’s Bistro

Gabby’s Bistro   The last time I was in Dumaguete, I never really heard about any good restaurant to dine and hang out, but that was four years ago.  That was then when Dunkin Donuts had just opened and everybody was in such a buzz. 4 years later, they now have some establishments that have … Read more