Of Travel Talks, Travel Interviews, and Travel Bloggers

I booked a ticket for Manila out of the blue. I didn’t have any trips as I’ve been saving for a travel fund I’m preparing for next year. But then this unexpected opportunity came up and I didn’t want to miss out on it. Or probably I was just looking for an excuse to go out and travel. Whatever the reason, I’m glad I pushed through with it.

In the middle of September, I spent my days attending travel talks, conducting podcast interviews and meeting travel bloggers.

Travel Talks by WeAreSoleSisters.com

I attended two travel talk events by the Sole Sisters. The first time I was a spectator and the second time I got to participate by sharing my ‘crazy travel story’ which was my bungy jumping experience at the Macau Tower.

photo by Lauren

It’s been a long while since I talked in front of a crowd so my nerves really got me. I think I did okay in relaying my adventure to the audience (I hope).

I was also surprised that a few people had introduced themselves saying that they read my blog. I’m honored and humbled by these readers who said that they found my blog useful – made me feel good that somehow, it has found its worth.

Thanks for saying “Hi” guys!

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Won Dispatch Magazine’s Hunt for EL SUPREMO

I won Dispatch Magazine’s Hunt for EL SUPREMO. It was a simple photo contest of posting your most fearless picture of yourself while traveling. Among the many photos that I have in my archive, I wondered which one to place but when they said we could create a collage, I decided to post most of my crazy photos in the different places I’ve been.

Prizes are:

  • Plane tickets to Kota Kinabalu for one male and one female contestant
  • Plane tickets to anywhere in the Philippines for another pair, and
  • 3 consolation prizes.

Full mechanics can be viewed here. Below is my photo entry with a caption on why I love traveling.

crazy travel
My entry to Dispatch Magazine’s Hunt for El Supremo

Bungy and cliff jumps, headstands and crazy stunts. I do just about anything to make the most of traveling. I live for adventure and share my stories in my travel blog (http://soloflightEd.com). Every journey is a work in progress as I learn more about life and discover realizations that I am normally unaware of when I’m stuck at the office. Traveling on a budget makes a trip more exciting as you acquire new skills of improvisation. Going on an expedition is not as expensive as you think; so long as you sacrifice little luxuries to gain experiences that are far more enriching.

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