Let the Delusions Begin

Note: This post was written prior to my departure, I didn’t have the opportunity to publish it right away.

It’s 9pm and I’m waiting for my flight at 10:50. A flight that marks the beginning of my journey which according to my friend, is my biggest adventure so far. The initial plan was to stay for two weeks and go through the Indochina route. But with the recent turn of events, I’ve decided to stay longer and travel to more countries.

Everything is falling into place yet I’m having mixed emotions. Should I push through with the trip or am I just carried away?

typing thoughts

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Villa Igang Pigeons in Guimaras

Villa Igang Beach Resort
Nueva Valencia, Guimaras Island

Pigeons, I saw a flock of them while we were having lunch at the Villa Igang Resort during our trip in Guimaras. Rude as it might sound, I stared at these creatures, took my camera and started shooting.

pigeon birds

I wasn’t done eating but because I was fascinated by them, I stopped so I could get closer. My friends just wondered where I was going but later understood why I had to take a break.

looking for food

I’ve always wanted to have a shot with these birds reminiscent of those in Milan. The thought of having them flying around was enough to keep me curious on how I was going to do that.

villa igang birds
another dodo creeping

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