time of my life

“goodbyes are tough, but they make the next hellos so much sweeter. ;)” —cnb was so glad that i was able to go back to dumaguete. but i didn’t want to tell anyone until i was actually there coz maybe our plan wouldn’t push through. when it did, and we were already in a 2 … Read more


COCS – Cadet Officer Candidates for (or of?) School can’t believe we practically fooled ourseleves during 3rd year high, having high hopes of being respected when we reach 4th year, coz we were gonna be officers… yes, we were the jackasses, trying to follow every command of our leaders… training, and sacrificing a lot of … Read more

goody two shoes

it’s raining really hard outside… and now, i’m really soaking wet!!! don’t know what to blog, nangongopya na lang ulit sa iba… i got this from cnbgirl… Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz. so back in high school, i was supposed to be the goody two-shoes…. EEEENNNGG! wrong!!! okay so maybe i … Read more