Dumaguete: Silliman University

I kept on strolling in Silliman when I was there. For one, it’s where the rest of my batchmates I know are studying. Before, they still allowed the public to enter but they got stricter because of issues that were prevailing with outsiders. You now need to have an ID to enter but I was … Read more

Dumaguete: Casaroro Falls

After our hike to the Jap Shrine, we went back to the Y-intersection. I scratched my arm and I bled; it felt so emo. hehe. We were too tired to trek to Casaroro falls so we waited for a habal-habal ride. We negotiated with the manong driver and it arrived to 80 bucks per person. … Read more

Dumaguete: Jap Shrine

After 4 years of delaying the trip, I'm finally at the place where I spent most of high school. Dumaguete City, the City of Gentle People; but I fondly recall as a City of Falling Leaves (due to the number of leaves falling when I'd pass by Silliman). I didn't/never studied in Silliman, but I … Read more

Greetings from Casaroro Falls

I finaly arrived here in Dumaguete from Cebu! And I’m running out of cash! hehehe. I just want to update you guys on what’s going on. I arrived two days ago, went strolling down town. Also went to the Japanese Shrine (JAP Shrine) and Casaroro Falls –> my first nature trekking adventure! hehe. It’s a … Read more