Dumaguete: Casaroro Falls

After our hike to the Jap Shrine, we went back to the Y-intersection. I scratched my arm and I bled; it felt so emo. hehe.

We were too tired to trek to Casaroro falls so we waited for a habal-habal ride. We negotiated with the manong driver and it arrived to 80 bucks per person. There were 3 of us so it would be 240. But we just made it 250 because the manongs in Valencia tried to charge us P150 bucks each, one way.

We arrived at the entrance of Casaroro Falls and we walked again, we went down the stairs with 335 steps and walked again until we could reach the actual falls. I was in awe. I’ve never been close to a waterfall (haven’t been to Kawasan) so I was just amazed at the place. I had to take a dip in the water. Took pictures and was still silent all throughout. We were the only ones there so it was kinda creepy at times.

We went back and took the 335-steps going up again. We went back to Valencia and ate at my friends’ friend’s house (???) It was for free so it was of perfect timing as well.

Habal-habal from the Y-intersection to Casaroro Falls and back to Valencia – P80 (per person)
Entrance fee in Casaroro Falls – P10

We got back to Dumaguete and just spent most of the time at the Rizal Boulevard. Took pictures again using the night scene of my camera. I love my Olympus SW790, I still have 4 months to pay for this baby. hehe.

Y-intersection. Left goes to Casaroro, right goes to the Jap Shrine

I bleed for you. Ki-at man.



signage for Mount Talinis

Circee habal-habal

rates in Casaroro

logbook again

going down

and down


plawer. hehe

walking again


almost there

a glimpse


voila! Casaroro falls!


strong current

The place amazes me


I had to take a dip.

view above


cold water!

water and rocks.

enjoying the view.

going back up

going up, 335 steps again. brace your legs, they’re going to sore for 3 days if you’re not prepared!

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soloflightEd.com is a travel blog by Edcel Suyo. He enjoys performing headstands and crazy stunts during his trips in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Now based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and working to earn a living, he takes time to enjoy the city and travel during weekends.
For updates, Like his page on Facebook or Follow him on Twitter.
For questions, advertising, and other concerns, shoot an email to ed@soloflighted.com.

10 thoughts on “Dumaguete: Casaroro Falls”

    • Ebie: haha, I spent 3.5 years in Dumaguete but I never got to see the beauty until I left the place. Chada kaayo! hehe

  1. how many hours did you spend in valencia to explore casaroro falls and the japanese shrine? im lanning to go to lake balinsasayao  int he morning then Valencia in the afternoon. Is 5hrs enough for valencia? 


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