Podcast Interview with Estan of Langyaw.com

estan cabigas

Had good feedback despite having some issues with my first podcast interview. Thanks guys. I’m ready to post the next one. By the way, I changed the title of my podcast series to SoloFlightEd Sessions to keep up with the branding.

soloflighted sessions with estan

Estan of Langyaw.com

This time, I had the opportunity to interview Estan Cabigas of Langyaw.com. I was able to travel with him and other bloggers on a free trip to Hong Kong and it was nice that he was willing enough to support me with this project.

Interview Location: Hong Kong International Airport

estan cabigas
Estan in Batanes

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Contemplating on Traveling

soloflightEd.com: a hitchhiker’s guide to going nowhere Been working on some things in order to promote my site and transition to being a full-time blogger and eventually lead to a decision that will change another course and create another chapter of this life. I’d like to take my backpack and go to places; unexplored and … Read more