half a second of fame in dumaguete’s twin lake

During one of our trips in Dumaguete, we visited Twin Lake or Lake Balinsasayao. I still have to come up with a write up about it since it’s going to be two months already and I haven’t really updated my blog with much travel experiences.

Going back to the lake, I entitled the entry as such because during our visit to the place, we saw Kat de Castro and Jason from PBB having a shoot for their travel program “Trip na Trip”.

Kat de castro jason from PBB

I wanted to have my picture taken with them but I chickened out.

It was nice since it was of perfect timing that the moment where they visited the lake was also the time when we also dropped by. When I saw a clip on television (or Youtube), I was wondering at first if it was really Doi and I on the video. Look ma, I’m on TV! –> even if Just had a half a second of fame! hehe.


From 0:09 second to almost 0:10, we were paddling ourselves on the lake. wahehehe.

I still have to finish the write-up and I need to pressure myself as it’s getting really outdated. I’m really lagging behind with the updates but what can I say? I’m busy.

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soloflightEd.com is a travel blog by Edcel Suyo. He enjoys performing headstands and crazy stunts during his trips in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Now based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and working to earn a living, he takes time to enjoy the city and travel during weekends.
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