Case 1.
PROBLEM: jeepney drivers were striking so t’was hard finding a vacant ride to school.
FIX: nakipag-usap na lang kami sa di namin kakilalang skulmate na maghati-hati na lang sa pamasahe para
makapag-taxi. buhay ngayon, pa-kapalan na ng mukha habang nananatiling matipid.
Case 2.
PROBLEM: three consecutive exams in computer, calculus and physics were in line which i never studied for
during the weekend
FIX: classes got suspended.
Case 3.
PROBLEM: was disturbed at the sight of people rallying for the resignation of PGMA in this region. such a
headache looking at them shouting their lungs out which could’ve well ruined my day.
FIX: it rained.
Case 4.
PROBLEM: was debating if i’d watch the SONA since i wanted to pretend to be an involved citizen; figuring if
i could get something profound from it.
FIX: i slept.
felt glad when it rained so hard. as if the load was discharged from my head and shoulders. (???)
life is sweet, sometimes.
posted Tuesday, 26 July 2005
nina made this comment,
ah.. if we could only have easy fixes as that to most of lifes conflicts..
perfect world huh?
comment added :: 27th July 2005, 03:16 GMT+08
CNBGirl made this comment,
i wish i could invoke the weather at will. it would fix a few of my problems… š
comment added :: 27th July 2005, 07:03 GMT+08
Nix made this comment,
Well, I just had my exams in my major subject and it sucked big time, I had to solve 16^15, and so on. No calculators. Naglagot jud ko!!!!
comment added :: 27th July 2005, 12:11 GMT+08
rolica made this comment,
funny how we asked and it is answered right away, but problems wont be solved if we keep on running away from it..besides i dont like it when it rains:)
comment added :: 27th July 2005, 17:01 GMT+08
amia made this comment,
i wish it would rain hard here
comment added :: 27th July 2005, 23:20 GMT+08
Paul made this comment,
life is sweet depending on our taste buds for the moment. š
comment added :: 2nd August 2005, 00:05 GMT+08
crunch made this comment,
i like the ‘rain’ effect. galing.
‘life is sweet, sometimes’ – you should put that on a t-shirt, mug, button, screensaver… people will smile when they read it.
a very belated thank you for your comment about the pinky entry. it made my day. š
when you first made this list, i said we had a lot of similarities. we still do. haha!
comment added :: 6th August 2005, 20:32 GMT+08
ravissant made this comment,
it’s amazing how things sometimes work to your advantage. when it does happen i tend to hold onto it, & hope for the best. a little positive thinking helps out as well.
comment added :: 7th August 2005, 01:59 GMT+08
Shawty made this comment,
tell you ed those are just temporary fix.. just like putting bubble gum on a broken pipe hahaha.. but its alright.. short live is better than nothing at all.
comment added :: 11th August 2005, 09:59 GMT+08
ed made this comment,
nina: uu, utopia. where art thou?
cnbgirl: tell me about it. =)
nix: kaya mo yan!
rolica: i do, (prefer rain). belated rols!
amia: ulan! ulan! ulan! hehe
paul: true, nothing is permanent. err. cept for change.
crunch: naks. š go virgoans! hehe. tho i never got to thank you on your previous mini-blog comments. salamat na rin!
ravissant: yeah, mind over matter.
shawty: you should use rubber, hehe. still, temporary begets temporary.
comment added :: 12th August 2005, 15:11 GMT+08
Please don't forget to confirm your subscription by checking your Inbox. is a travel blog by Edcel Suyo. He enjoys performing headstands and crazy stunts during his trips in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Now based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and working to earn a living, he takes time to enjoy the city and travel during weekends.
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