Back on the Road

After a month and a half, I’m back on the road. I got past the immigration counter without them asking for much information. Compared to my experience last February when I was interviewed twice, this time was a breeze. They only asked for my return ticket and I was through. Maybe smiling at them did the trick, I don’t really know. I’m just glad I’m at the pre-boarding area now.

backpacking southeast asia
at NAIA Terminal 3

I started my backpacking adventure after I quit my job of six years to see if a digital nomad’s lifestyle is truly for me. I spent two months outside the country but it was cut short due to personal reasons. While in the Philippines, I maximized my time by spending it with family and friends. Being away for a while made me look at life from a different angle which made it a great opportunity to reconnect with people; especially my loved ones.

I also visited Manila, twice; and met a number of travel bloggers, old and new. It was swell to mingle and get inspired to continue this passion of mine by being with them for coffee or pizza.

filipino travel bloggers
with Gay, Oman, Dong Ho, Marky and Wendell

philippine travel bloggers
with Lauren, Rafael, Lois, Eileen, Jen and Josiah

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