comment from my Enchanted Kingdom blues post

Was browsing through my email one morning and I found out that somebody commented on my Enchanted Kingdom blues entry. I was complaining about my attempt to go to this amusement park in Laguna but failed to go inside because of a family day by another company. I was with my friend Doi and when … Read more

Enchanted Kingdom blues

Still trying to upload pictures from my camera from that Manila trip. We went to UP Diliman (finally) and I have to blog about how I was able to go to Enchanted Kingdom but not enter. Hahay. This is the second time around that I was able to go to Manila, being all excited to … Read more

Manila trip: Binondo Church, Luneta Park, Baywalk, MOA

More pictures of my Manila trip! These all happened last month when the account sent some of us off to Manila to help out in a new site. Anyway, I was able to hang out with a couple of friends who from Cebu who are now residing there. We first went to Divisoria and they … Read more


We ate at Thank God It’s Fridays (TGIF) in Mall of Asia during my first weekend in Manila. The place reminded me of Casa Verde at The Walk in Cebu but of course, with better attendants in nice costumes. hehe. We were actually debating if we’d eat dinner at Hooters or TGIF but we just … Read more