Skim at Mahayahay Beach, Argao

This is a late post cause I ran out of words to talk about which is such a rare occasion. This will also be a quick one since I'm swamped with so many responsibilities that I have difficulty sleeping at the end of the day. ———————- Mahayahay Beach Argao, Cebu South Bus Terminal Fare – … Read more

got back from Argao

I’m all red again. I just got back from Argao (Mahayahay beach) and I’m really tired from all the skimming –> as if I know how to skim. Funny that I haven’t really posted my write up about the place. Does that mean I’m that busy? I’m in the process of sorting the photos out still. I … Read more

photobucket is up

 My photobucket account is already up and I’m glad that this happened. I found out that the monthly bandwidth limit is based on the month when I first registered my account and it was on the 26th of the month. So when I checked my blog after waking up from sleep, I realized the error … Read more

skimboarders in Argao

I'm a bit excited to posting the pictures last Monday in Argao, Cebu. So here are just some teasers, there are a number of photos I've taken and I should be able to sort them out. Mahayahay beach, Argao Cebu. Skim boarders         And here I am, trying to stay on board but … Read more

Lemon Grass, Ayala

Two weekends ago, a couple of colleagues and I went somewhere in Liloan just to head off to a beach with sand so we could also practice skimming. I’m not a skimmer but I like to learn. At least it wasn’t that expensive to go there. I had fun overall, but it’s just contradicting that … Read more