
Too tired because of the activities last weekend. Saturday –> went to Enchanted Kingdom wherein I finally had the chance to visit the place and it was open! I lost my voice because I kept on screaming during the different rides. But I’ll be blogging about this more after a couple of days, as it … Read more

update none

Haven’t received any update from Richard Burgos about the offer of a FREE trip to Enchanted Kingdom but I’m still going with a couple of friends anyway. This Saturday and Sunday, I’ll be fully booked. Aside from going to EK, I’ll be attending our Company Summer Outing this Sunday. Although it’s going to be jam-packed, … Read more

mango float

I’m steel peeling off from the sunburn I accumulated when we visited  BlueJaz, a resort in Samal island, in Davao. Now my skin’s itching like crazy. ————– The day after I arrived home from Davao, aside from buying a new Walkman phone for my younger brother, I also bought some ingredients so I could make … Read more

kicked off summer in Davao

Just arrived to Cebu from Davao. After 10 years, 10 effin' years, I was able to visit the place where I spent my childhood. Things have really become different, but in a good way. I used to hang out with my cousins a lot. But due to circumstance, there was always that big gap in … Read more

It’s March

20 more days before classes is about to end! I’m quite pooped already. Thoughts are fight over in my mind which makes me wonder if I’ll keep up or not. I can keep up when I’m thrown into the pit, it’s the act of getting into the pit that bothers me. My mind is crowded … Read more


If the previous days I had the bad case of going back and forth the bathroom, right now I’m down with the flu. I was hoping to be in Dumaguete already, talking to old friends over beer but it got postponed. I don’t know how many times this has happened already. But when I checked … Read more

siargao part 6: going home

We went back to Julie’s place at around 4pm where I still dipped to have my last in dive in the water. It was great knowing that after all this time; I was able to just be in my element. I believe I’m more of a water person more than anything else. The second half … Read more

siargao part 5: alegria beach

Day 4: Thursday April 03, 2008 We just spent today at Julie’s home since it kept on raining the whole day; boohoo. At least their house is just a step away to the sea. So I just plunged right away and lounged around; watching television and sleeping at times. When I checked my camera, I … Read more

siargao part 4: magpupungko, low tide

Day 4: Wednesday April 02, 2008 Jen and Wena already went home this day as they still have some obligations to fulfill. Too bad for them they weren’t really able to see what we’ve seen. We went back to Magpupungko just in time to check out its beauty. You can never really appreciate the place … Read more

siargao part 1: going there

Day 1: Sunday March 30, 2008 COKALIONG 582 Php – Cebu Pier to Surigao From 7pm to 8am (13 hours) We arrived in Surigao at around 8am (13-hour ride) but the roro (boat) to Siargao wouldn’t depart until 12 noon (great). We just strolled downtown to kill the clock. We went to a barber shop … Read more


When I was a kid, since my pop is one of those people who could talk until the break of dawn with just about anyone, he had a conversation with a foreigner named Peter Statham who introduced himself as a high official of a surfing organization in Siargao. He was invited to visit the island … Read more

auto post

By the time you may read this entry, most probably, this blogger is trying out the waves of Siargao. Ever since he was a kid, he's heard stories of this great place to surf. First of, he doesn't know how to surf, maybe the net, but the waves, nope. And ever since this owner learned … Read more

in a hurry

I'm typing this as fast as I can, it's 4:30pm. By 5pm, I should be at Mcdo Jones to meet up with my fellow workmates. Our boat's departure is at 7:00pm and we have to be there early. It's a bit stressful at a point since I'm worried if our other colleague who's flight will … Read more

we heart summer

Taken last year in moalboal, they’re best friends in reality.