Day 1: Sunday
March 30, 2008
582 Php – Cebu Pier to Surigao
From 7pm to 8am (13 hours)
We arrived in Surigao at around 8am (13-hour ride) but the roro (boat) to Siargao wouldn’t depart until 12 noon (great). We just strolled downtown to kill the clock. We went to a barber shop and got my head shaved just for the heck of it; and now I look like a shaolin with a helmet on. Ate at Chowking, purchased some stuff at Metro Surigao, and bought pizza at Greenwich. We used up the remaining time at the Surigao terminal.
Montenegro Lines
259 Php – Surigao to Siargao Pier (Dapa)
12 Noon to 4:00pm (4 hours)
When the roro departed, we took the seats inside where it’s air-conditioned since it was freaking hot. Also since we had to rest and sleep. Outside though, you can just gaze at the many islands from left to right. Now I don’t have to wonder why most of the foreigners chose the seats outside the roro as there are many nice islands to view outside. It took 4 hours for us to arrive and we were already pooped.
When we got to the pier (Dapa, Siargao), we were fetched by Cholie’s dad to their house where we rode a habal-habal (motorcycle). After 48 minutes of ass-numbing travel, we were met by the sunset on the place we were going to stay. We ate fresh grilled fish for dinner and we went on a courtesy call (that’s what Cholie’s dad likes to call it) to the mayor of Pilar, Siargao. We ate again and we slept after a weakening day. I just realized after that we were already in Mindanao, which is why it took so long to travel by boat.
(click to Enlarge)
seats at the plaza
Montenegro Lines: boat to Siargao island.
Please don't forget to confirm your subscription by checking your Inbox. is a travel blog by Edcel Suyo. He enjoys performing headstands and crazy stunts during his trips in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Now based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and working to earn a living, he takes time to enjoy the city and travel during weekends.
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