Sunrise in Malapascua Island Cebu

It’s been a year since I first visited the island of Malapascua in Cebu. Up to now, I haven’t written a good blog entry about it sans for the time when I was able to jump off a 50-foot cliff – read article here.

I don’t think I’ll be able to write a better account any time soon so let me just share one of the good things that happened when I spent a day on this island. On a December, I witnessed a beautiful sunrise.

cebu malapascua photo
getting ready to steer the boat

Woke up at dawn as I worked on some freelance tasks to beat a deadline my employer imposed. After finishing the job, I stepped out and decided to take a dip. However, I ran back to our room and grabbed my camera when I saw a stream of light surfacing behind mountains from afar.

malapascua photo

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Chasing the Sun

I recently realized how a lot of people go to other countries for a holiday because they can’t experience summer in their place at the time. Just like two weeks ago, I saw so many tourists in Bali, Indonesia. I was also there to lounge at the beach and just relax; a couple of times I went to the waves to practice surfing.

How we wish that we can just control the sun. But since we can’t, we can chase it wherever it is high up; that is if money’s no big issue.

dreamland bali
Dreamland Beach in Bali, Indonesia

In my case, I don’t normally take the weather into great consideration whenever I travel. I usually just book a flight and and deal with it as I arrive at my destination. I’m a little lucky because most of the time, the weather is on my side. *knocking on wood*

magpupungko beach siargao
Magpupungko Beach, Siargao

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nalusuan island tease

Nalusuan Island, Cebu April 10, 2010 Just wanted to post a picture of our recent team outing activity in Nalusuan Island. The weather was just perfect for summer and I had fun with the company. I’ll be blogging more about this place and what happened as there’s just so many pictures I’d like to post … Read more

Sinulog 2010 was a blast!

Sinulog 2010 Every Third Sunday of January Sinulog 2010 was an endurance test for me. It was my first time to participate in the Sinulog event – really participate by going out into the streets and practice my skills in taking pictures while experiencing the weather being crazy and all. It seemed clear in the … Read more

just got back from Argao

Been tired because of the trip; now I’m burned to a crisp because of the sun in Argao, Cebu. Finally, I’ve been to Mahayahay beach! I’ve been wanting to go to the place after I saw pictures of locals skimming in the place. I’ve always wanted to try watersport activities. Anyway, I’ll be discussing more … Read more


Hah, I’m exempted from wearing a uniform. Turns out that the policy is only applicable to 2nd year students and below, and my status right now will be an incoming irregular junior. Yes! In any case, at least I can still apply for an exemption since I’m also working. I was so relieved when my … Read more


Still trying to make some sense out of time, I just turned 20; and never has pressure been so transparent. Pop married my mom when he was this age and already started a family. That’s why I’m really apprehensive with regard to relationships and the like. Cause look at us now. I’m still dazed of … Read more