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forgot that there’s such a thing called mirc if in desperate times, you have to get a dose of music-downloading. so in continuation with the previous entry, there’s still hope for consumers like me.

it’s almost christmas, and i still don’t feel it. not even the gimmicks and other advertisements can make me reconsider the thought of celebrating it. i guess it’s never really the same as before. even if this season isn’t as commercialized as the previous ones. we all know the economy’s crisis is dragging us. everyone’s saving their money buying cheaper alternatives. but you’ve already heard enough of politics right? still, gotta utilize what you have or don’t.

advance merry christmas to you! there, i greeted already. hehe. have a green err great one!

PS: as for presents and gift-giving: “BO CHI!”

posted Saturday, 17 December 2005

amia made this comment,

merry christmas too.and yeah, i have an mp3 of that song. i guess ill always be drawn to songs that are somewhat connected to the sky.

comment added :: 17th December 2005, 22:41 GMT+08

ravissant made this comment,

Merry Christmas too, ed! That’s a cool Christmas tree you’ve got there, very modern. 🙂

comment added :: 18th December 2005, 11:56 GMT+08

Paul made this comment,

you have a green xmas, ed! really green. about time. hehe.

comment added :: 18th December 2005, 12:45 GMT+08

nix made this comment,

that’s right, mIRC is really great too. #mp3download para daghan.

comment added :: 19th December 2005, 14:05 GMT+08

nicole made this comment,

merry christmas ed :Dtake care nicole

comment added :: 20th December 2005, 05:03 GMT+08

ed made this comment,

amia: i don’t think it’s the sky. hehe..rav: thanks, got it from the visualization of wmp. 🙂

paul: bro, haha. you too! lol.

nuke: ako it depends, basta phazenet ang server. ok na. #manilamp3 ko. 🙂

nicole: thanks! take care also ;p

comment added :: 24th December 2005, 16:26 GMT+08

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soloflightEd.com is a travel blog by Edcel Suyo. He enjoys performing headstands and crazy stunts during his trips in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Now based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and working to earn a living, he takes time to enjoy the city and travel during weekends.
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