special day?

i turned 18 yesterday (not 20, hehe)… i don’t really know what to
write about it, nothing really ‘special’ comes with my birthday. i
just treat it like any other day…

in our house, it would be very strange when someone would greet
someone on an occasion. maybe because the only woman is my mother
(we’re 7 in all). a family dominated by male protagonists is the main
factor. we don’t like saying corny (slash mushy) words of
acknowledgements (i.e. i love you, happy b-day, merry x’mas and the
like). i cringe at the very thought. same as with i’m sorry, forgive
me, please? got a lot to do with pride. i like to call it OA or drama.
but in truth, we’re just not used to it.

4, 13, 16, 18, 21, 40. some of the years where one (at least, for me)
really expects in his/her life. especially 18. so what’s new with
turning a year older? aside from not having to worry about getting the
butterflies when buying tickets to see an R-18 movie, nothing much,
really. my theory would be: “i turned 18 the day i found a job.” (nov.
12, last year). but after getting my birth certificate and confirming
it, i found out i’m wrong, and that i did turn 18, yesterday. i like
to think i’m mature (well, short for old-lookin’ anyway).

18, am now legally an adult (though as i’ve said, nothing really
changed). am no longer a minor, technically. and i can now go to
jail… responsibilities? already accepted them even before this day.
no jitters, no special-tingling feeling; and the worst part, after
checking my mail, no greetings (from friends). they forgot i guess…
again. but despite facing reality as it is, am still happy.

the only consolation i get? at least i still have a 20-day gap with my
brother before he grows a year older. until the 29th, we’re both 18.

posted Friday, 10 September 2004

A visitor made this comment,
happy birthday!!! 😀 now you can watch R18 movies legally. hehe.
goodluck sa lahat ed.


comment added :: 10th September 2004, 17:11 GMT+08
A visitor made this comment,
happy happy birthday!!

comment added :: 10th September 2004, 20:10 GMT+08
A visitor made this comment,
happy birthday dark green dude! naalala ko bday mo a, d lang nga ako
nakapag-mail. hehehe. happy bday ulit! 😀
r-18 movies.. i watch them even though i was not 18 then, with the
help of my (fake) cedula. hehehe. 😉


comment added :: 11th September 2004, 00:05 GMT+08
nicole made this comment,
happy birthday ed!! 3 more years 21 ka na legal na hahaha..
take care!

comment added :: 11th September 2004, 03:23 GMT+08
Nix made this comment,
hey. i didnt forget. i thought your bday will be on 21st.. sept.9 ka
pala.. sorry.. happy birthday ed!

comment added :: 11th September 2004, 13:04 GMT+08
A visitor made this comment,
just blog hopping..
Nice blog diay.. 😉

Happy Birthday! 😉


comment added :: 12th September 2004, 08:48 GMT+08
A visitor made this comment,
O.o; You think growing up with no sisters is hard? Try being a girl
and growing up with all boys in your famiy.

comment added :: 12th September 2004, 09:11 GMT+08
A visitor made this comment,
u now have an excuse to make everything legal for you. enjoy life ed! hehe.

comment added :: 12th September 2004, 20:17 GMT+08
CNBGirl made this comment,

comment added :: 13th September 2004, 10:26 GMT+08

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soloflightEd.com is a travel blog by Edcel Suyo. He enjoys performing headstands and crazy stunts during his trips in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Now based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and working to earn a living, he takes time to enjoy the city and travel during weekends.
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