triple 09

Yes, it was a coincidence that it had to fall on my day. Nothing grand happened but it was a nice thought that a number of people greeted me. I don’t really celebrate, “celebrate” birthdays but it’s something I know I need to work on.

23. Ouch. “What have you achieved?” –> what I wrote on my planner. Somehow, I can’t give a definite answer that can alter one’s perception in life. Shoot. I resolve to be more patient though; which is what I should also add to my list of things to do.

Anyway triple 09, 09/09/09. They made it a holiday just for me… not.

La Maison in Ayala

This is a very late post. Some time in September, during my birthday week, we ate at La Maison in Ayala. I don’t know what happened why I didn’t post this directly; maybe because I was busy? Nah. We ordered the bento meal (I forgot if it was chicken or something else) but we didn’t … Read more

update update

I’ve heard about a colleague who got bitten by a cat. It cost her 40 Thousand bucks for medical and other expenses. FTW? 40 effing thousand is a lot of money. ——— My blog is hosted at WordPress and I’m glad that my admin had updated it to the newest version. Yey! I also updated … Read more

September 09

Another day, another year. September 09. Sometimes I wonder if I’m jinxed but whenever this day comes, it doesn’t necessarily give me much excitement. To think that this is, after all, the day I was born. Maybe I’m just too shy to admit that I like this day. hehe. Still, I’m thankful for people who … Read more


Still trying to make some sense out of time, I just turned 20; and never has pressure been so transparent. Pop married my mom when he was this age and already started a family. That’s why I’m really apprehensive with regard to relationships and the like. Cause look at us now. I’m still dazed of … Read more

special day?

i turned 18 yesterday (not 20, hehe)… i don’t really know what to write about it, nothing really ‘special’ comes with my birthday. i just treat it like any other day… in our house, it would be very strange when someone would greet someone on an occasion. maybe because the only woman is my mother … Read more