Jungle Trek to Chemerung Waterfalls in Terengganu, Malaysia

I’m so glad to have finally participated in the jungle trek to the Chemerung Waterfalls in Terengganu, Malaysia. It was my last week at the Tanjong Jara Resort and this nature adventure was one of the activities I wanted to do right away. I stayed in a five-star resort for two months, but I was … Read more

Unexpected Opportunities while Backpacking

After my trip to Bali, Indonesia. I didn’t know where I was headed. I wanted to do something other than work on my laptop as I felt very unhealthy being stuck in front of a computer screen. I was still in Bangkok at the time and I was contemplating on a few things until unexpected opportunities knocked on this backpacker’s life.

Substitute Teacher

There was an opening for a temporary post as an elementary English teacher for a private school in Bangkok where my friend was working. It was a short-term gig which would’ve lasted three weeks. In my mind, I was to handle a class of grade six pupils, but the picture didn’t come out clear enough because I was hesitant.

office soloflighted
back in the old office days

I’ve had some experience training adults and I’ve hosted calibration sessions with different clients in my previous job in a call center; but this was a little different since I’d be handling youngsters.

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Villa Igang Pigeons in Guimaras

Villa Igang Beach Resort
Nueva Valencia, Guimaras Island

Pigeons, I saw a flock of them while we were having lunch at the Villa Igang Resort during our trip in Guimaras. Rude as it might sound, I stared at these creatures, took my camera and started shooting.

pigeon birds

I wasn’t done eating but because I was fascinated by them, I stopped so I could get closer. My friends just wondered where I was going but later understood why I had to take a break.

looking for food

I’ve always wanted to have a shot with these birds reminiscent of those in Milan. The thought of having them flying around was enough to keep me curious on how I was going to do that.

villa igang birds
another dodo creeping

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Boardwalk Beach Resort in Compostela, Cebu

pool boardwalk compostela

Been busy lately but I still found time to hang out with former colleagues who went to Boardwalk in Compostela, somewhere in Cebu. It was nice hanging out with the people I started the company with. It’s been awhile too since I last chilled with them. The pool was good, knowing that the resort was … Read more

weekend at Stockli Beach, Badian Cebu

February 20-21, 2010 Stockli Beach, Badian, Cebu Went to Stockli Beach in Badian last weekend together with my brother's training team since it’s been awhile when I last had a beach outing. I was told that this was a nice and secluded place to be in since it’s not as expensive and it’s more private. … Read more

It’s Stockli Beach, not Stuckli, in Badian

Yeah, big revelation. Just got back from Stockli Beach in Badian, somewhere south of Cebu. Been exhausted from the trip but I'm already used to beaches in the south and some in the north. Will be posting the pictures of the trip once I learn how to organize my working routine. Darn it. Just too … Read more

going to Stuckli, Badian

Finally, another beach retreat. I'm planning to go out with a number of people from the training department at work. Stuckli Beach is the destination, I think. I'll bring my younger brother as well so he can taste the white sands somehow.  My schedule has been terribly busy as usual but I'm getting more comfortable … Read more

another busy entry

Yes it is indeed. I have so many things to do this week which makes me wonder what it would be like if I didn't commit to so many requirements. Even so, I need all the help that I can get which is why I am sacrificing my time in order to get something else. … Read more

Cebu Trip to Sumilon Island

August 01, 2009 Sumilon Island, finally! I got free passes for a Day Tour at Sumilon Bluewater Island Resort! Last Saturday, I had the privilege of joining a group of fellow bloggers in attending an event that was initiated by Ruben of Pinoyworld. We simply had to talk about our experience in Maribago Bluewater Cebu … Read more

going to Sumilon with other bloggers

After creating the entry about Maribago Blue Waters Resort in this blog, I got lucky to be picked as one of those who’ll participate in the Sumilong Island Tour for bloggers. It’s been raining real hard and I actually have a flu but I’ll be joining later on. It’ll only be for a day anyway, … Read more

company outing at maribago bluewater resort

The company where I work usually conducts the summer outing every June. I wasn't able to talk about it here in my blog when it would've been really great to share some of the experiences. Last year, it was at Vista Mar in Mactan, this time we went to another beach in the same island called … Read more

siargao part 2: magpupungko and general luna

Day 2: Monday March 31, 2008 Monday morning – Magpupungko We went to Magpupungko, but it was still high tide so we just stayed by the shoreline taking pictures underneath the warm rays of the sun. Afterwards, we visited our host’s family friend where we ate breakfast (food again!). ———- Bonotan’s Lodge Pilaring, Pilar Shameless … Read more