Team Keith

I never thought I’d miss the people I’ve been with for the past 8 months. My team; it’s good to know that even after that time, we’ve grown used to each other that we more or less know ourselves when we’re together. It’s nice when you share laughs and frustrations and in the end, work as one.

Bowling sprees, Beach escapades, group portraits, videoke sessions, after-shift dinners and drinking binges; one of the few things I’m going to miss, really miss from these people. The mockery and jokes, even the insults toward each other, I’m going to miss them too. I guess the feeling is normal; especially when you accept the manners and flaws of the different characters you associate with while working. And now because of change, everything has to amend.

Nothing is permanent as usual. We have to face facts and recognize actuality that things really don’t last accordingly. I’ve already known this even before I started working; that’s why I did my best to distance myself from people since parting is gloomy when the time comes. Initially, I've tried to just mingle with them at a shallow level, but that's where it all starts. You, then have to bear each one's personality with pride since you share the same standing. After realizing that you're not going to be with each other's company anymore due to circumstance and in some point, decision; it hits you like a hard slap in the face. Still, sooner or later the inevitable takes place and we just have to let things be.

Wherever we are, we bring a part of our group with us. Thank you team Keith, for the times well spent.

Team Keith Days

Don’t cry cause it’s over, smile cause it happened.

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