So as I've said, we went to Pandanon island as the weather was good. It was a great day to spend time at the beach! At least this outing isn't that expensive cause we just had to contribute a small amount because we were sponsored by our department. We were supposed to reserve a boat but it would cost us more so we just got one when we got to the Mactan (near Hilton) already.
It was a 1 hour-ride for us, the waves were a bit strong, but not that big; they were actually nice as we had fun with the travel. But I just slept the whole time because I did overtime work the night before and I barely had sleep. When we got to the place, I forgot how beautiful it looked. Maybe because the last time I went to Pandanon, it was raining; so I never found the beauty of it until now.
There were also a lot of people and we never got a decent cottage because they were all reserved by some Sta. Lucia Property affair. Anyway, I had fun, I brought a frisbee but I couldn't make use of it as it was very windy. Forgot to wear buy sunblock though, and now I'm all red again.
As usual, I took a lot of pictures of the place, hehe. Even if the sand wasn't that fine in some areas, it was still a great escape.
Pandanon Island, Bohol
Pumpboat ride rent: P3,500.00 good for 30-35 people
(click to Enlarge)
Please don't forget to confirm your subscription by checking your Inbox. is a travel blog by Edcel Suyo. He enjoys performing headstands and crazy stunts during his trips in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. Now based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and working to earn a living, he takes time to enjoy the city and travel during weekends.
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ppstt… edcel, kaw man diay ni. debbie and i, and a few friends are planning to go to pandanon. can you give us details in terms of expenses? hehe 🙂 thanks!
-KIMY- email me!
Kimy: hi kimy! hehe. yeah, ako ni. hehe. we spent 3,500 for the boat which we booked on the day itself cause it was a lot cheaper compared to booking in advance (5K!). plus there’s an entrance fee of 100 pesos per person. we took a boat the back of the hilton hotel.
heello!! amazing ung shots mo.. i visited that place once but indeed i enjoyed wat i saw.. cool great escape!!
heelo again.. bad thing was happened 2 me wen we got ther i forgot to bring my camera!! can i grab d upladed photo’s???thnx have great time.. !
hi yuuummmsy. sure no problem for grabbing my pics. thanks for dropping by my site! 🙂
Pandanon is really a nice place.
hi edcel nice shots you’ve got. were planning to go to pandanon after this holyweek 09, just wanna ask how much is the rental of their cottage? is it just only cottages they have? or they also have rooms for overnight stay? thanks, hope you could send me more info’s from pandanon island… thanks a lot in advance…
=JON= was here…
hi joriane23,
i called island banca cruises ( and asked for some rates of Pandanon Island,
The Entrance is 150/person and they only have small cottages (P200) and one big cottage (P1500) available. they don’t have rooms yet cause the owner doesn’t allow overnight stay because there’s no electricity yet.
If you want, here’s the number I got while browsing online: (+63.32) 236-4896
Hope this helps.
thanks edcel for the info… you really satisfied me the info you have given…
it is really much helpful. thanks… a lot… god bless… good luck for more of your trips…
= jon =
No problem joriane, glad I was able to help! 🙂
hi edcel, after reading your and my friends are planning to go pandanon island.. may i just ask how much is the boat going to pandanon cause we’re almost 20,i guess… and how long would it take us to get there?? do they have any rooms that are for rent??how mch??possibly overnyt?? would all be appreciated..
_r i k k a_
Rikka: hi, the boat ride going is about 3.5K which is good for about 30-35 people, but this rate was last year, not so sure about the rate now. The ride took about an hour to reach Pandanon island from the port beside the Hilton Hotel in Mactan.
No, there are no rooms available for rent in Pandanon where you can stay and sleep. There are cottages available but if you want to sleep, you better bring some tents. There is also NO electricity at that time so better be prepared. We just went there without reservations that’s why we just got the normal rates. It would be more expensive if you book in advance.
thank you for the info..very much appreciated..
wow! i hope i wouldn’t be disappointed when i will go to this place. unlike the other beaches that i been too.. thank you for you heads up..
hmm, if this is your first time, and given that the weather will be good, then i don’t think you’ll get disappointed. 🙂 the sand isn’t really that fine. but it’s already good enough. hope you have fun!
Hi Edcel, My girlfriend and I planning to go to pandanon. Is there any transportation going there for 2 people? I can bring tent, water and food and lights for overnight stay. hope to hear from you.
do you have a contact number for the rental of the pumpboats beside hilton hotel ??
hi haji, I have to search for it…
How many minutes will it take for us to travel going to Pandanon?..
How much would be the aprox amount per passenger for the whole day trip..
Do you have any number for the transpo provider?.
Do we need to bring our own FOods?..ehehehehehehe
Thanks in Advance,
Hi Christine, will answer based on my experience.
1. around 45 minutes to and hour
2. depends ont the boat you’re going to rent.
3. try (+63.32) 236-4896 — this is the number for Island banca ( for more info.
4. it’s adviseable to bring your own foods so you can cook them there. you can verify your questions thru the number i’ve provided.
Thanks.. ☺
Appreciate it much..
glad to have helped 😀
Of all the islands we've been when we had an island hopping tour in cebu, Pandanon Island is the easiest name for me to remember. My aunt said, remember Pandan and just add -on equals Pandanon. I had fun swimming there. There are lots of cute starfish. =)
ang ganda dito. 🙂
@Ivy: haha. i like the sandbar especially pag mainit ang lugar! 😀
@byron: cebu has a lot of beaches to explore here! 😀
Hi Sir, ask lang unta ko unsay pamaagi sa pag reserve og cottage didto? basin man gud inig adto namo kay daghan kaau og tao..
@Karla: hi carla, not so sure how to reserve cottages dito cause we just dropped by the place and found a spot then and there. 🙂