Merry Christmas!

I’m starting to feel better now.

I went with my co-workers (or should I see co-trainees) at a birthday party or just some nights after work. Some of my them are a little agog over getting their Starbucks stickers completed so they can get a planner as part of the establishment’s promotion. I’m not really much of a coffee fan, but I admit I’m a bit dependent on them to keep me awake these days. And it helps that I can get a 50% discount when buying a frappe provided I give them my sticker. All’s fair in coffee and planners. toink.

The previous days have been a blur.

John, our Vietnamese (but raised in Canada) trainer, is cool. Such one heck of a funny guy and much of a smartass. I like it since training doesn’t seem so boring since he lets us talk a lot even if it’s not related to the topic.

So it’s Christmas already, what’s new? nada. I just celebrate Christmas like any other; same as last year’s and the year before that. Of course, there’s got to be at least a simple preparation, but not really that much.

Merry Christmas, hope it won’t be as blue as mine.

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